Luke the Lakota
Spirits across Space and Time
Transported to the 21st Century, Luke, the gospel writer,
narrates an unexpected mission, having been sent by the
Holy Spirit to help a young Lakota man. Čhaŋté is on a vision
quest in the Black Hills of South Dakota and does not expect
to be met by a flesh and blood guide from ancient times.
As Luke accepts this role and provides spiritual wisdom, he also
learns about and affirms Lakota spirituality. He must also over-
come disorientation as he confronts a world two thousand years
ahead his time.
Čhaŋté tells Luke about many events, good and bad, since Jesus
walked the earth, including Lakota history. Luke is able to provide
some consolation, and together they confront the most difficult
spiritual questions facing humankind. As he learns about Luke,
and tells Luke about the holy man, Black Elk, Čhaŋté begins to
see great similarities between the two men.
The dominant culture suurrounding the Lakota reservations, however,
is in turmoil. Americans are feeling more and more mistrustful of each
other, and dividing themselves into tribes that sometimes see others
as mortal enemies. Surely, this situation will not intrude upon the
personal relationship between Čhaŋté and Luke!